Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hermit the Frog

Or should it be Kermit the Blog. That MUST have been used already. But I'll take it as an original Scott thought.

Warning: This blog is indulgent, long (three full MSword pages) and nonlinear.

I didn't learn anything today. Oh, wait, yes I did (honest change of mind while typing!). Just as I was approaching the Tollroad exit south to go home in Gurnee, the traffic report for the Edens inbound alone was an hour twenty in (usually just twenty). So off to Borders it was, to listen to their decent selection of music at their future-tech listening stations (more like crappy headphone kiosk stuck in a skinny isle station) and read their expensive books and import magazines. I read up ALL of the various Nirvana recording session, detailed take by take. I left so optimistic that there are probably a few as-yet unreleased tracks worth listening to. We'll have to give a few years, when my generation demands the $250 "EVERY song and version" box set, as opposed to the ugly sporadically good box set now. I don't think anyone that read this really gives a shit about Nirvana, but I am certain that the stupid fucker was a true artist and great lyricist. I no longer look to the bands style, however, as idealic.
So anyway, yes, I learned the content of the post-in utero sessions and I also learned that the Heart Shaped Box solo was indeed chopped during mixing. I was also reminded of just how clueless of a personality Steve Albini is. Technically talented, but


Various economists' approach to deciphering New York's spirit.

Read the "comments".

Hermit the frog. I'll defend my non-hangin' out ways. I wouldn't really call myself a hermit. Where else would I be right now? In a bar? No, not quite... not on Wednesday. I'm BROKE right now. figuratively. With chase bank, the more "overdraft fees" you have, the higher they ALL become. Got 1? I think its around $30. I wouldn't know. Got 3 of 'em? Try $64 dollars each. The whole charge you more the less you have logic blows me away. I called them and explained what its like to live in the city on $32,000 spread out over twelve months, with monthly expenses totaling around $1500 (from rent to fuel to credit cards). The lady said she will "submit a formal request" to try and take two of the charges off. End rant.

Its cute how Karen and I both miss our NY friends significantly. Such beautifully strong and modern friendships they are. I want to meet John.

I was taught how to properly arrange Lovefool's vocals today. Because I am not a Swedish pale Diana Ross on ice skates, I will do only the singy parts, not the talky parts.

Gee, its quiet here.

Almond m and m's are the best. And we discover that courier is the official font of m and m's.

I can't wait to learn how to edit html. I have pictures. LOTS of pictures.

I listened to the Gnarl's Barkely LP at Borders. Their cover of Gone Daddy gone is, uh, there. Its okay. His voice has a neat texture. But I think that songs needs to be well enough alone.

One of the best rock records ever, that Violent Femmes self-titled LP.

Tomorrow at 11am I will be entering 1230 N Burling. Apartment 505 in the Cabrini Green Public Housing Complex. I bid a fond farewell to all those that have touched my life, in ways too dynamic to describe with words.

Isn't it fantastic to remember that life is so beautiful (at times) that these symbols for feeling and emotions (called "words") do not come close to actually describing to what is being perceived.

Like love. Please! They shouldn't even put that damn word in the dictionary.

And how about orgasm. What a silly pile of phoenetic hogwash used to describe such a swell rush of wicked bliss.

Speaking of orgasm. mm. I tell you. The male brain is both an angel and a devil. But the female brain has her own issues, clearly.

Like at Allendale. Yeah, the boys, they're rough sometimes. My first cottaeg, Bush Cottage (no relevance to the presidents) involved youths with an axis I "intermittant explosive disorder", which is pretty much like it sounds. Kid drops other kid on head, punches options, staff drop kid to gound, injuries are inevitable at times, and the possibility of the group of inner city kids essentially rioting is there. Anway, that's cake compared to the cross-campus common knowledge that working with the girls is the most exhausting job on the planet. Oh, what those abused girls have been though. And just as significant, oh what they do when acting out is just wicked. Its the grudges that they hold that take the cake. A physical restraint with a boy that results in circumstantial injuries to the boy occurs, he's mad during the restraint, crys for an hour afterwards, processes the incident, and boom, the next day, PROGRESS. (unless they're clinically retarded, then the progress is optional). But the GIRLS, you give "Latoya" a "programmatic rule violation" that she perceives is unfair, there are fair odds that she's walk up on you blind sided with scissors in hand, possibly at night. These are fictional extreme examples in order to prove an isolated point this evening/ morning, but well, maybe I'm getting at a tried and true sense of well being; "it could be a lot worse". Yes, I've just re-justified my sense of lonliness after not having gone out for three evenings in a row.

I love my friends.

I'll stop there.

Nope. I can't stop. And I'm not even stoned. I've recognized an incredibly novel point of view emerging, maybe the missing link of my personality I've been seeking for the six years. NORMALACY. Yup. I'm relatively normal. Let me stress relatively. Relative to the rest of my robotic family and the unipolar eccentrics I look up to. Wow. Just having put that out there makes me feel free.
Free to run down the street in my bare feet and revel in my self-indulgent obsession with self improvement, shouting out from my roof top, "I am just a dude"! "I like football and Nirvana"! And analogue synthesizers and androgynous decor! And psychology and Astronomy! Nice asses and women's rights! Progressive politics and traditional models of families (when they communicate). Okay, that's where I'll cut and run.


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