Tuesday, January 30, 2007

an average person's post

An insomnia-induced survey. enjoy.

Single or Taken:

Happy about that:

1 sis in Indy.

Eye color:
Green-ish. I’ve never really figured out my eyes

5' 10"

what are you wearing right now:
yellow t-shirt, grey pants with white stripes.

Best place to go for a date:
Quiet, but not too quiet.



Kind of pants:
My brown pants with the weird pocket in the front.


Animal: Anything but birds.

Drink(non alcoholic):

Football, basketball, softball, drinking

September, for so many reasons.

Grape juice. yum

Have You Ever. . . ........................

Given anyone a bath:
Her name was Goblin

Bungee Jumped?:
Not yet.

Made yourself throw-up?:

Gone skinny dipping?
not lately

Eaten a dog?:
Just hot dogs and corn dogs, har har.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?:
Yes . I’m a softie

Broken a bone?
Just fingers, on multiple occasions.

Played truth or dare?:
Yes. cheesey.

Been on a plane?:
Yup. I hate how it makes my ears pop

Been in a hotub?:

Swam in the ocean?
I will on April 4th

Fallen asleep in school?:
‘twas an affliction

Ran away?:

Broken someone's heart?
Worst feeling ever. I’d rather be dumped.

Cried when someone died?:
Of course.

Cried in school?:
Not since 7th grade.

Fell off your chair?
No incidents come to mind, but this is a sure yes.

Saved AIM conversations?:
I don’t chat online.

Saved e-mails?:
Hundreds, literally. Automatic journal of sorts


What is...

Your good luck charm?:
none to speak of.

New fav. song?:
“Something isn't Something”, from Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffitti.

Last thing you ate?:
that burger... was crazy.

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?:
Neutrogena, I think


Ever Had...

Chicken pox:
I had one on my tummy. I guess I was luckier than Mr. Trip

Sore Throat:
many. no fun

No. Should have though, with the ugly ass scar to prove it.

Broken nose:
Surprisingly no, clearly beating the odds.


Do You...

Believe in love at first sight?
True love is not possible at first sight. Lust, however….

Believe in long distant relationships?
Oh goodness. short answer; yes.

Like school?
3% of the time, maybe

Who was the last person that called you?

Who was the last person you slow danced with?
I dunno. Karen?

Who makes you smile the most?
What a neat question. Overall, its my cat. I don’t know what person makes me smile most. hopefully me, but i doubt that.

Who knows you the best?
Tricia, Ryan, Colleen, Justin, Jen, Kelli, Karen, shit I dunno…


Do you like filling these out:
No. the devil is currently twisting my arm.

Do you like yourself:

Do you get along with your family?

Are You...

Obsessive Compulsive?:



Final Questions:

Hated someone in your family:
Do former step fathers count?

Gotten any awards?
Sure, but not lately.

Where do you want to get married?
I like trip’s answer; the moon. Otherwise, in the woods.

Good driver?
I’m an excellent driver. Lots of practice

Good Singer?
I plead the 5th

Have a lava lamp?
Not at the moment

How many remote controls are in your house?
3. VCR, PS2, TV.

Scary or Funny Movies?:

Chocolate or Vanilla?:

Skiing or Boarding?
I want to do both.

Summer or winter?

Diamond or pearl?
depends on the application

Coke or Pepsi?

Phone or in person?
In person whenever possible, which seems to be rarely these days

are you oldest, middle or youngest?


Today did you...

1. Talk to someone you liked:

2. Buy something:
i'd like to buy a vowel

3. Get sick?:

8. Talked to an ex?:

9. Miss someone?:

Ever been.......

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?

18. Been to Mexico?
Technically, yes.

19. Been to Canada?

20. Been to China?
Not yet.

Random. . .

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?:
no crushes

22. What book are you reading now?
Hell, I don’t even remember

23. Best feeling in the world?
True love

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

27. Favorite sports to watch?
Go bears. My bears knowledge surprises many

29. Piercing/Tattoos?

30. What are you most scared of?.
Sabotaging valid relationships. Well, you asked.

31. Who do you really hate?
Nope. Don’t have time for that.

32. Do you have a job?

33. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?

34. Are you lonely right now?
Not at all.

38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?
“don’t you want me baby! Don’t you want me, ohhh oh oh oh.” Yup.

39. Have you ever played strip poker?
Not poker.

40. Have you ever gotten beat up?
I got gang tackled in 7th grade. And attacked in 2005 by some dude on pat's stairs. neither were too serious.

42. Have you ever been on radio/TV?:

43. Have you ever been in a "mosh-pit"?
Yes. Weezer feb. ‘95@ the metro.

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