Sunday, February 25, 2007

words to live by

don't park on division after 3am.

despite this recent hard lesson, i'm super happy these days.

I've got so much to say that its all gonna have to wait.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Excellent theory on predicting happiness in relationships

Just one perspective, but a very strong one none the less

valentine's day karma

I currently have the flu. As of 8am tues, I thought I had tetanus because of the cut i got last week. But no, its the flu, wrecking my packed schedule for up to a week I imagine. I got delirious from my fever last night, reaching 102.6 at one point. twitching leading to spasms, and barely strong enough to make it across the kitchen. Today is only the 2nd day, and I already feel significantly better.

I see having this flu as some sort of bad valentine's day karma, cuz i was already just sick about 2 months ago (mid december). all of my love-realted choices and experiences over the years; ganging up on my soul and immune system simultaneously. um, okay, not really but it makes for good text.

And after reading exentively about the flu I don't much agree with my doctor's presctiption... an antibiotic! amox-clav. And he gave me almost no dietary advice. This is was illinois bluecross/ blueshild HMO gets you.

okay, i have nothing very interesting to add here today.

i found this (about the widening income gap) interesting on the NPR site:

someday, i'll learn to do a hot link.

My summary of the widening income gap is; Hey, cheers for those who can get that annual 52 million dollar bonus. They have those global connections and crazy traders working for them... But the trend is that that fewer and fewer have more and more, which then brings that small number with tons of money increasing and excessive control over things within the political/ governmental arena.
That's when we're in trouble. Which is now.

Notice the astronomical amounts of money being spent on campaigns? Despite "rules" against allowing that money to lead to kickbacks (a rule that seems to generally work, unless you're in Illinois), these campaign contributions wield rhetorical and philosophical influence, often causing political decisions to be based on assumptions about a given doner's position on a subject; or at least his "base" doners. Obviously not always the case, but occasionally, this must happen.


Monday, February 12, 2007

like a rock. ohhhh like a rock....

old men making their case for why the income gap in america is okay. rahh.

if you use verizon, you can back up your address book online for free. I highly recommend it. go to the verizonwireless website.

I am happy.

I haven't had this pleasant a February in years.

'cept i gotta do some work now.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Doing the dishes is harzardous to your health

Doing the dishes is harzardous to your health. Or at least one's fingers. I got a slicey from a knifey, and will not be typing for a few days. too bad, cuz I got an abundance of items to cover. rahh.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

"cool" verson -3.8

up to now, i've pretty much sold myself short as far as fully expressing myself through my music, clearly avoiding what I'm capable of.

Why hide it? Why hide this inner lionshark inside of me. that's right. inner lionshark. he's the human's buddy. Standing next to the human's being. so that's what I'm going to call this solo project... The Human's Being. And if it results the same type of hesitant, half-assed rubbish that I've so far involved myself with, then okay, time to re-prioritize my time. I'm 29 and that's just the way it is.

Yup, its another rather indulgent bloggy barf-o-rama. Bar-arf Obama. For president. Maybe. They say he's young/ naive. Wouldn't intuition and genuinely honest intentions only get a county so far in this universal global shitfuck? I predict Hillary for president, with Barack as the running mate.

I wrote a song for Bob Pollard recently. Its in demo form. I began this blog in the middle of two and a half completely projects. Sort of jumping from one to another. I've learned that this is my ideal creative process. It prevents burnout, and indulges my occasional ADD.

I credit Orien for accidentally triggering a "just do it" mentality. While out to dinner, O, E (preggers!), and weener (I never actually call her that), he mentioned an NPR-related assignment: Cut a record from scratch in exactly one month project. Again, appropriate for my slacker tendencies, just a month of motivational surge. Clearly managable. It was surprisingly easy to empty my head of static thoughts (pretty much all involving work or other humans) and proceeded to unleash my creative demons all over the living room.

One song is a pop song. A cross between Bruce Springsteen and New Order. Er, yeah... that sounds like trouble to me.... hell, fuck if i know. The other song reflects an early REM asthetic. And the half-song is a sappy number. I'm going to make another myspace (everybody has two or three these days) for the Human's Being. Or whatever it might get named.

I'm fired up about the Bears. What a swell weekend.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


i had most excellent fun doing live band karaoke at Fizz this evening. Not just medium fun, but wicked yelling out, sing along, gettin' happy on High Life fun. that's my story, and i'm sticking to it.

I feel like a lucky boy this evening. Happily all alone in my apartment. I don't have to drive to work thursday. I'm going to go iron some shirts. maybe. hell. probably not.

arf arf