Sunday, April 29, 2007

back from the dead

This Guitar is for sale.

This is how Goblin sits when she wants to have a conversation.

similar in the way craigslist is layed out, I'm thinking that the world (or at least Chicago) needs a well-thought out barter webside, involving memberships, and wants and haves lists, along with other types of wishlists, preferances, and a searchable database. C'mon all of you in the Scott-O-sphere, are you with me on this? Have you reached something close to elderly waiting for me to blog? I certainly hope not. Its funny, my option in life is occasionally: "read others' blogs" or "write my own". So then one may track the days one choice or the other is made, and then, ta-da, a quantifiable or measureable coolness factor. Or confidence factor. Or, perhaps maturity factor (you can only blog if you have something to say). I would love thoughts on this. Disclaimer: I'm in an altered frame of mind, and may be slightly off my rocker.

So life's been a winding road. Good thing for the guard rails (analogy being friends, steady job, and music). Otherwise, I would just implode like the occasional pushover I am. What else is there, you ask? Beside the obvious (being relationships), winding includes unstable goals, wishes, moods, and bizarre family unravelings. I've limited my family rants to personal telephone calls. That leaves waivering goals, and self-imposed rotten moods. Lifestyle and mood are closely related. Duh. If I go out four nights in a row, day five is going to be unpleasant. Time to be a little more discerning with my time.

Time to ride my bike instead of blog. See you in a month. or tomorrow.

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